May marked the appearance of more baby round-tails than I ever expected. Four litters in close proximity to one another. There were two litters of four, and two of nine. A litter of nine is rare, but not uncommon following the heavy rains we had during the winter. More vegetation/food supply results in more babies. Sadly, large litters have much higher mortality rates. The babies are smaller, and it's much harder for mom to keep track of so many little ones scurrying about. One mom, in particular, lost three in the first few days. The first was seen with a broken back, probably attacked a rival adult female guarding her territory (and her own young). The little one crawled into the family burrow and never came back out. A second baby simply disappeared, probably taken by a predator.

I named my new friend Scooter, and he stayed with me for two months. At first I fed him formula, then weaned him on a mix of native vegetation and squirrel food sent to me by a friendly rehabber. He loved to snuggle in the fur pelts and torn T-shirts that that I gave him, and play in the dirt "digging box" that I made. He seemed unaware of his disability, climbing and playing like any other squirrel.

My vet believes that Scooter died from a blood clot, probably caused by his initial injury, that dislodged and went to his lungs. It was inevitable. He didn’t suffer, but I cried for weeks, and cry still, whenever I think of him.
Rest in peace little Scooter. I hope you are running and playing with your two brothers on the other side of the bridge.
I'm so sorry Kathy about Scooter. But for a brief moment in time he knew peace and comfort with you.
ReplyDeleteWe don't see our squirrel babies until they emerge from their nests which are usually high in trees. The squirrel mortality here is high with owls, hawks and coyotes on constant alert.
Oh, Kathy what a sweet and tender story! Thank you for giving Scooter a wonderful loving, (though brief) life. :-/ **Hugs**